Facilitating Success
“Success” is a pretty big word, and it means different things to different people.
Here’s how we define it for the people we serve—public employees and their employers, and qualified retirement representatives…

Success happens when an employee interested in retirement planning meets a licensed, qualified retirement representative who can offer customized retirement solutions.

PERA Appointments makes those meetings happen. That’s a win for everyone.

We’re Matchmakers.
We connect public employees to qualified retirement representatives working within our network. Because we act as matchmaker, nobody receives—or makes—a call that isn’t wanted.
PERA Appointments also represents success for employers
who want to ensure their employees get the retirement information and support they want, when they want it—not when an agent just happens to call.

We only facilitate meetings for people who are ready to talk
about their retirement savings and with professionals who are ready to help. We think our way is the best way to make that important introduction.
Ready to achieve success?

PERA Appointments: Connecting retirement savers with qualified financial professionals.